Thursday, February 20, 2014

Project Flute


Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to present to you my project flute.  We received our flutes back sometime during the middle of the first semester.  Our goal was to learn how to regulate and remove lost motion with correct venting, how to properly install / fix a pad, how to properly fit tenons, and so much more. 
When I received this particular flute, it did not work.  It even had a piece of tape on the case from the school that said "Does Not Work."  After I did my inspection, I could see why it wasn't playing.  The D and D# trill key pads were falling out, 30% of the pads needed to be replaced, a spring had fallen off of the A key, all of the keys were improperly vented / regulated, most of the corks needed to be replaced, and the head joint tenon did not fit properly.  Let's just say, I had my work cut out for me.
Once I received my training on fixing most of the problems dealing with flutes, I quickly got to work.  I am proud to say that after many hard learned lessons that I have been able to get it playing again.  I'm still fighting with shimming pads so that they seal perfectly, but other than that, everything else works great.  I'll have to make sure and update this post when my pads are sealing at 100%.

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